Call in your local stations and request BTI, Buy it on iTunes, buy the physical CD if you can, vote for it, request it online or buy the video on iTunes! Do whatever you can to support it. It's great to see how Britney fans unite together to support THE legend. Thank you all.
How Can You Support BTI?
How Can You Support BTI?
Open House Party airs every Saturday and Sunday night live from 7 to midnight Eastern and Mountain time, 6-11 PM Central and Pacific time.
Unlike any other radio station in the country, Open House Party is programmed 100% by the listeners of the show. We really are THE ALL-REQUEST OPEN HOUSE PARTY! The next song is picked, based on listener requests, usually while the previous song is still being played.
CALL 1-800-669-1010 on Saturday and Sunday night (7pm-12am EST, 6pm-11pm CST) and REQUEST Break The Ice until they PLAY it!
Meanwhile you can email requests@openhouseparty.com to increase the chances for BTI on next weekend's countdown!
American Top 40 (AT40) (Debuting this weekend)
Call us toll-free at 1-877-AT40-FAN or email Ryan@at40.com
Request Links
Open House Party airs every Saturday and Sunday night live from 7 to midnight Eastern and Mountain time, 6-11 PM Central and Pacific time.
Unlike any other radio station in the country, Open House Party is programmed 100% by the listeners of the show. We really are THE ALL-REQUEST OPEN HOUSE PARTY! The next song is picked, based on listener requests, usually while the previous song is still being played.
CALL 1-800-669-1010 on Saturday and Sunday night (7pm-12am EST, 6pm-11pm CST) and REQUEST Break The Ice until they PLAY it!
Meanwhile you can email requests@openhouseparty.com to increase the chances for BTI on next weekend's countdown!
American Top 40 (AT40) (Debuting this weekend)
Call us toll-free at 1-877-AT40-FAN or email Ryan@at40.com
Request Links
Request Lines (Phone/Text)
The Beat 94.5
Request Line: 604-280-0945
Email Request: Heydj@thebeat.com
New York City, WHTZ 100.3/Z100
Request Line: (212) 239-2300
Toll Free Request Line: (800) 242-0100
http://www. z100. com
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 55100
Los Angeles, KIIS 102.7 FM/KIIS FM
Toll Free Request Line: (800) 520-1027
Business Line: (818) 845-1027
http://www. jojostop5. com
http://www. kiisfm. com
Portland, Oregon
TEXT Break the Ice to: 81530
Detroit's WKQI-FM
or channel 95.5 http://www. channel955. com)
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to:
Phoenix- KZZP 104.7 FM
Request Line- (602) 260-1047
Phone Line- (602) 279-5577
TEXT - "Hits Break The Ice" to: 68255
Miami, WHYI 100.7 FM/Y100
Request Line: (866) 645-9100
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 77100
Miami, WPOW 96.5 FM/Power 96
Phone Line: (305) 550-9696
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 96148
Chicago, KISS 103.5FM
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 51035
Tampa, WFLZ 93.3 FM 93.3 FLZ
Toll Free Number: 1-800-409-9393
TEXT: "flz Britney Spears - Break the Ice" to 68255
(the word flz has to be included first in the text)
Places Around The World
Request Lines (Phone/Text)
The Beat 94.5
Request Line: 604-280-0945
Email Request: Heydj@thebeat.com
New York City, WHTZ 100.3/Z100
Request Line: (212) 239-2300
Toll Free Request Line: (800) 242-0100
http://www. z100. com
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 55100
Los Angeles, KIIS 102.7 FM/KIIS FM
Toll Free Request Line: (800) 520-1027
Business Line: (818) 845-1027
http://www. jojostop5. com
http://www. kiisfm. com
Portland, Oregon
TEXT Break the Ice to: 81530
Detroit's WKQI-FM
or channel 95.5 http://www. channel955. com)
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to:
Phoenix- KZZP 104.7 FM
Request Line- (602) 260-1047
Phone Line- (602) 279-5577
TEXT - "Hits Break The Ice" to: 68255
Miami, WHYI 100.7 FM/Y100
Request Line: (866) 645-9100
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 77100
Miami, WPOW 96.5 FM/Power 96
Phone Line: (305) 550-9696
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 96148
Chicago, KISS 103.5FM
TEXT Britney Spears - Break The Ice to: 51035
Tampa, WFLZ 93.3 FM 93.3 FLZ
Toll Free Number: 1-800-409-9393
TEXT: "flz Britney Spears - Break the Ice" to 68255
(the word flz has to be included first in the text)
Places Around The World
1. Open link and chose Голосовать (Vote) button, it's at the bottom of the page and it's gray-ish.
2. Choose Britney's song [Piece Of Me].
3. Again chose Голосовать (Vote) button and if everything is right you'll see following text
Спасибо! Ваш голос учтен. Какое место в чарте займут ваши любимые исполнители Вы сможете узнать в ближайшую субботу в программе ЕВРОХИТ ТОР-40.
Thanks to Sloan for the help!
-Extra Team Britney
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