BRITNEY SPEARS and her former husband Kevin Federline have spent a weekend away together and her parents now believe they are on the brink of reuniting and possibly even remarrying.The pop star and her former spouse of almost three turbulent years flew for two days to the Hawaiian island of Maui where they talked about becoming a family again with their two infant sons.On their return, Britney, 26, presented Federline with a belated 30th birthday gift – a stunning £69,000 Jacob and Co watch called the Royal with a special diamond-encrusted bezel.A source close to Britney’s father, James, who is still legally in control of her financial affairs following two shocking meltdowns which landed her in hospital psychiatric wards, said yesterday: “He personally approved the mini-vacation and birthday present purchases. There is nothing more he and Brit’s mother, Lynne, would love than for her and Kevin to get back together.“Kevin’s whole attitude to his ex-wife has changed. He can see she is responding to treatment for her bipolar disorder, staying sober and trying to rebuild her life and career.”The source said that Kevin was “thrilled” for Britney when she successfully performed a cameo role on the popular American television sitcom How I Met Your Mother two weeks ago but added: “Though she is becoming again the woman he fell in love with, they both know rushing into remarriage too soon could be dangerous. So they’re taking baby steps and it seems to be working.”The pair have already decided they will spend a “family day” together with sons, Sean Preston, two, and Jayden James, 18 months, on Sunday May 11, Mother’s Day in the States. Britney is still only entitled to visiting rights with her children, approved by Los Angeles Superior Court, but the source said: “Kevin believes she’s almost ready to be a full-time mom again.” Kalie Machado, a former personal assistant to Britney who quit last year when the troubled star was spiralling out of control, said: “The truth is she and Kevin never really fell out of love with one another but their feelings were transformed into something ugly by repeated outrageous behaviour, on both sides at one time, and their marriage became a love-hate relationship that was doomed.“Now she is recovering, with all the people, places and things that dragged her down swept away by her mom and dad, and she’s begun to realise she wants Kevin back as well as the kids.”As well as obtaining a restraining order against Britney’s one-time “life coach” Sam Lutfi, her father James was also instrumental in ending her bizarre affair with British-born paparazzi photographer Adnan Ghalib. He has even gently coaxed her into seeing much less of her cousin, Ali Sims, who remains a friend of Lutfi and accompanied Britney on many wild nights in the West Hollywood nightclubs she used to visit.“He wants her to focus on family and career,” said the source, “and as far as Jamie and Lynne are concerned, Kevin is very definitely family.”Ironically, a family tragedy has also helped bring the once-warring couple closer again – the death of Federline’s maternal uncle, Steven Story, last month.The Spears family source revealed that Britney and Kevin have again begun to say “I love you” to each other during phone calls and added: “They never really stopped loving one another, despite the fights and the bitterness of their divorce and the custody battle over the kids.“They are both anxious to put all that behind them and start afresh. They deserve to find happiness and they feel their happiness, as well as that of their children, hinges on them being a family – a proper one this time round.” Relationship expert Dr Carolyn Bushong, of Denver, Colorado, warned, however: “They will need help, not to get back together but to stay back together.”-OK!