Isn't the Internet around to help you get your taxes done faster?A document obtained by E! News shows that Britney Online Inc., one of Britney Spears' numerous name-brand companies, owes $23,589.17 in state taxes on the entity's 2004 earnings. (View the lien.)"Further interest and fees will accrue" if the sum is not paid, according to the Franchise Tax Board of the State of California.There's no word yet on how Britney Touring, Britney Brands, Britney Films, Britney Television and FairyZone Productions are doing as far as the state—or the IRS—is concerned.But isn't it inevitable that a court commissioner will solve the problem by simply pointing Spears' attorneys in the direction of her bottomless bill-paying pit, aka her estate, to take care of the back taxes?Source: E!
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