DJ: "A lot of people are saying you could be the next Britney Spears. Now what are you going to do differently so that in 10 years we're not going to be saying oh that Miley Ray Cyrus... she's crazy!"
Miley Cyrus: "Well for me it's like... At first when people, you know say that to me I actually have to, I take that as a compliment because she's so talented, and stinkin' genius, and right now she's just at a hard time. But I think she's gonna get through it and I think it's gonna be such a big triumph at the end when everyone sees her come back, and that's gonna be... I'm gonna be so proud of her because I feel to me that they're like family like that family is like family just because I've spent so much time praying for them, and I've talked to like... Jamie and I just feel like they're gonna come out and they're just gonna be ya know amazing and you know for me I think just to keep positive, cause that's basically with anything I say I always try to come out with a positive ending."
DJ: "Well the Spears family is under the microscope right now especially with Jamie Lynn being an expecting mother. How is the support with her family and what not? And are you giving your support to Jamie Lynn?"
Miley Cyrus: "Yeah. Like, they're our friends and there are so many people that have stepped away. And we're the ones that have gotten closer and closer through this. And that's what they need more than anything. And they continually think that they're being so supportive, cause no one else is and that's what I think it means more than anything, especially for Britney, because she needs someone that's more supportive for her."
Listen to it here
Source: Breathe Heavy
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