Hello my Loyal Readers! I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. I will try to do better this week. We are in the middle of moving and getting ready to take a vacation, so it's been a little hectic. Are you guys as stoked as I am about David Cook winning American Idol? I Love that Guy!!! He has been my fav since before they picked the top 24!! Maybe a new blog coming??
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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Britney & Kevin Sworn in by Court

She made it! For the first time in months, sparring exes Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are both actually in a California courtroom to discuss matters in their ongoing custody battle.Britney, looking her best in a brown and white polka-dot dress and straightened blonde locks, waited patiently in a holding area until around 9:37 am PT while Commissioner Scott Gordon dealt with matters in other cases.When their case was finally called, the superstar entered the courtroom with her mom, Lynne and father Jamie, who sat in the back row. They were joined by Blair Burke, the lawyer who represents Britney's father. Both Brit and Kevin, decked out in a beige suit, gold earrings and pinky ring, were sworn in by Gordon.
According to a witness in the courtroom, when Brit-Brit was asked to state her name for the record, she whispered, almost inaudibly, "Britney." Gordon had to instruct her further to give her full name.Almost immediately after being sworn in, Britney's lawyer asked that the court be closed to the public and the request was granted by Jordan. Meanwhile, in a strange only-in-Hollywood twist, Elliott Mintz, better known as the publicist for celebutante extraordinaire Paris Hilton, has introduced himself as the new PR mouthpiece for K-Fed.
source: Ok magazine

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